Hope Dies Last/Love Gone Again
2020, Super 8 ︎︎︎ HD, 6:45

A hand-processed Ektachrome travelogue spanning Copenhagen and Bergen. Spontaneously captured images mix with field recordings and synthesizer noodling.

"Jimmy Schaus' lovely and tender HOPE DIES LAST/LOVE GONE AGAIN (2020) is a clever glistening celluloid bubble-pop travelogue touched with a bit of the Warren Sonbert sweet-sadness." -Josh B. Mabe, Cine-File

Camera, Sound Recording, Edit, Sound Mix, Original Electronic Music: Jimmy Schaus

Hand-processed and digitally scanned at Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola in San Sebastián, Spain, with the assistance of Lucía Ferreyra and Nerea Ganzarain.

Fracto Experimental Film Encounter, Berlin, Germany, 2020
Onion City Experimental Film + Video Festival (online), 2020
Salon des Refusés, AZPI Gallery, San Sebastián, Spain, 2019